Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mother's Day =)

This morning, we went to Church. Junior sings with the choir and today they did a beautiful Ave Maria song (not the Ave Maria) for Mother's Day. It was so nice. After church, we went to eat with my parents and gave my mom 2 of her presents. One didn't get here in time! Darn shipping! After that, Gama and the boys took me to Roger's Gardens. It is a great nursery not too far from where we live. I haven't been there in a few years. Here is a picture of what we got...

Afterwards, we stopped at a Starbucks and then went into Costco. That is not normally the place I want to be on any weekend day, let alone Mother's Day, but I was looking for grapes that come in little snack cups, all ready to pop into school lunches. We didn't find them. But we put Kidney Boy and Bucket together in the cart and it was so cute. Here is a cute shot... Bucket realized he could reach Kidney Boy's drink!

We came home and Gama went to work in the backyard, making space in our planter for some of the plants we bought. After a couple of hours of playing around back there (LOL) he finished. The potted plant is not actually potted, but just sitting in this pot for now. He will probably do that tomorrow. But the planter has 4 new plants.

There is one more plant too... it is a big vine-y plant with pink flowers. Gama needs to put it in a different section of the planter, where we have big things for the vines to grow up and around. But right now, we have these big scary pumpkin plants. Gama planted a few seeds about a month ago and THE NEXT MORNING there were 7 little sprouts poking through the dirt. Later that afternoon, there were 14! And the next day, 25! Within a couple of weeks, they were getting tall. Here is a shot of them. They are really pretty... big, green, heart-shaped leaves. But we need to move some of them over so we can put the new plant in there. Check this out... seriously, there was nothing there just a month ago! hahahaha...