Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chicken-hair, watching The Sound of Music

Last night, we needed Junior to do some extra reading at bedtime. We had him go downstairs and Gama sat with him, reading the paper. As much fault as Junior has in not doing his reading lately, part of the problem really is that our house is always so noisy. Somebody is always watching TV, running around, etc.

Anyway, I had to do something to keep Chicken-hair in his room until Junior came up. He gets scared if he is alone. Several months ago, we put an old TV/VCR in their room so we could set up the Wii upstairs while we had stuff going on downstairs. We kept putting it away and pulling it out, etc. Finally we decided a couple of months ago that Junior and Chicken-hair can have it in their room just for videos and Gamecube. Luckily they barely use it. But I figured it would come in perfectly last night and put The Sound of Music on. I told him I was going to leave him watching it but that movie has a powerful draw LOL I couldn't leave.

We were sitting there, watching the part with the nuns arguing about Maria and going into the song about "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" and Chicken-hair was getting very upset with the crankier nuns, especially when one called her a demon. He looked at me and said, "Somebody should tell the Priest on them! They are being mean!"

A few minutes later, it was the part where she in on her way to the Von Trapp home and she is singing that song "I have confidence in me" and skipping down the street and singing loudly and he got this funny smile and said, "Isn't she embarrassed to do that? Anyone can see her!" At the end of that bit, she trips and runs to the door almost screaming "... in meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!" And he said, "Yeah... she should DEFINITELY be embarrassed about that!"

He was marvelling at the size of the house and asked me why some people have such big houses and I told him that some people have a lot of money and buy bigger houses. He said, "Well... we could make one, but that would take a lot of wood!"

We stopped the movie a few minutes later, right after she finds the frog in her pocket. He can't wait to watch more today. I am so excited because I really had to talk him into it and now he is hooked!


I am going to start out by saying Facebook has kept me so busy, I haven't been keeping up with this blog! Since my last post, Bucket started walking, got thrush one more time, stopped nursing, and started sleeping in his crib all night... how is that for catching up? LOL Anyway, I don't think anyone else really reads this so it doesn't matter. It is just for me.