Thursday, March 26, 2009

Our Day at CA Adventure

We all went to Disney's CA Adventure on Sunday -- Gama, the kids, my parents, my brother, my SIL, and I. It was such a wonderful day.

We started out at Soarin' Over California, which is my favorite ride there. You all sit in rows and then the rows are lifted up and forward so that you are in front of this giant screen. You see all sorts of scenes and feel like you are paragliding through them -- over skiiers, a golf course, hikers, Yosemite Falls, orange groves (and you can smell the oranges!), forests (smell the pine!), the beach just after sunset... drifting over the water... and it all ends by flying through Downtown LA (can't help wishing it were Manhattan though LOL) and then over Disneyland, finishing off with the fireworks over Fantasyland!

We tried a new ride for me -- Mulholland Madness. It is a really small roller coaster but with a few swift drops and at the beginning, you are whipping around the top of this thing, feeling like you are going to fall right out the side, over the edge and onto people walking by! Aidan LOVED it and had his hands up the whole time. Junior loved it too but didn't put his hands up... he's mine LOL

Poor Chicken-hair couldn't go on two of the rides that he wanted to. One was this thing that shoots you way up, while you're sitting down, and then drops you back down. The other was the big Mickey roller coaster that flips you upside down. He is not tall enough for either and had a major fit over both!

Everyone except for Gama, the babies, and me went on the big swings in the Orange. I have done that one before and regretted getting on the instant it started LOL

We went through A Bug's Land and took Kidney Boy and Bucket on all the little kiddie rides. Then we headed to Hollywood's Backlot to go on the Monsters Inc. ride. After that, all the brave people (everyone except for me and the babies LOL) went on Tower of Terror. If you want to know what this is like, go to youtube and search "CA Adventure Tower of Terror" and watch somebody's video! You drop freefall 13 stories -- no thank you! Even worse, my brother told me that you never really know if you are about to shoot up or down, except for when you get to the very top and then you can see out the top of the hotel! Yikes!

Anyway, that was our fun day. I am so grateful for days like those. We all had so much fun together. Bucket ate a churro! He loved it! We walked around and told funny stories and had big laughs and didn't worry about a thing. Gregory and Kelly went home last night and we miss them so much already! But we are so lucky -- they get to visit often and this visit was truly special! =)

1 comment:

Gena said...

that sounds like you guys had a great trip!