Friday, April 24, 2009


So, either he has a very poppable left eardrum, or he has a hole in it. Last night, with no signs of infection, suddenly he started leaking a bunch of pinkish discharge. I took him to the urgent care and the nurse practitioner said it must be popped because she couldn't even see his eardrum through all the gunk. The other ear looks fine. Then she said it is a possibility that there is a hole so tiny that they aren't seeing it and that this is just fluid and wax buildup that is leaking out from time to time. It would explain why he never has a screaming fit when his eardrum "pops" and also why it seems to have popped this time when we didn't even think he was sick at all. She put him on antibiotics because there is no way to know right now if it is infected and if it is, it is bad enough to pop his eardrum so we can't mess around. But she said she really thinks we need to see an ENT after the 2 week follow-up to see if there is a hole or what. She said if there is, most of the time they just watch it. If it never closes up, she said sometimes they put a "patch" on it.

I am not too upset or stressed out so far. He seems fine and happy. If he does have an infection, the meds should clear it up. The only thing I am a little worried about right now is the thrush. He has gone almost 2 months without it I think, but antibiotics can definitely bring it on. So we have to watch for that.

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