Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Doctor visit

I went to see the doctor today for my annual well-woman visit and first prenatal visit. I told her my last period was 5 days later than it actually was because she always moves my due date up so much. I ovulate late but she always counts it by my LMP. So I had this great plan to just give her a later date for my LMP. And so she ended up giving me a later due date by 2 days LOL I had June 13, based on when I ovulated. But she gave me June 15. I am not going to worry about it too much though because I know she will move that up once I have an u/s. She always moves it up at the u/s.

I will get that u/s on November 1, which is 2 weeks from tomorrow. I am so excited and impatient, I can't stand it. It is always such a great relief to see the baby and his heartbeat and know that something is really growing in there! After the way our first pregnancy turned out, with us going around for a whole month thinking everything was fine when the baby had in fact passed away right around the time we found out we were pregnant, I am always nervous that maybe everything just seems fine but it is not.

I do feel though that things are going well. I remember that during that first pregnancy, I didn't really have symptoms for very long. Right around the time I found out I was pregnant, I was very run-down, tired, not feeling so good. But that was right around the time the baby stopped living. After that, I felt great for a month and then had the miscarriage. Since then, I have had 4 more pregnancies before this one. Junior, Chicken-hair, my 2nd m/c, and Kidney Boy. With this one, I feel pretty much like I did with the boys. With the other m/c, I had such a horrible backache for a few days and then it was over. But with this one, although I had a backache when I found out I was pregnant and that scared me to death, that went away after a few days and since then, I have just had my normal pregnancy symptoms. Nausea that comes and goes, sleepy all the time, moody.

Speaking of nausea, it is just like it was with the boys but much earlier. I am supposedly 5 weeks 5 days and I have had it for a whole week already. I usually don't get anything until 6 weeks. So that is odd. But nausea is a good sign so we'll see. Everyone keeps telling me that means it is a girl since I got sicker sooner... I don't know how much I believe all of that stuff... we'll see LOL

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