Thursday, November 8, 2007

RE: ultrasound on Nov. 1

This is copied from the email I sent out about my ultrasound on Nov. 1.

Things are OK =) She is having me come back in a week for a better one, with the u/s tech. My dates look off by a few days but that makes sense because she is going by my LMP and I ovulate late. Also, she likes one good scan somewhere between 8-10 weeks and I am not even 8 yet. I should be 7 weeks 6 days today and the machine put me at 7 weeks 4 days. That isn't really much of a difference. She said the baby looks like the right size for when I ovulated and the heartbeat is there. I was so nervous because she wants me to come back in a week but she kept assuring me that nothing is wrong and I can go ahead and tell the kids and everything.

We told them when we picked them up from school. They are so excited and both wanting a girl LOL I showed Junior the u/s pic and he said, "You're pregnant? Really? I hope it is a girl because I would like to have a baby sister." I asked Chicken-hair if he understood what we were saying and what the picture was. He said it was a baby. I asked him where it is and he said, "Is it in your tummy?" and when I said yes, he said "And it is a girl! Let's name her Sarah!" He has an imaginary sister Sarah.

So I said, "But if it is a boy, that is good too, right?" Junior just answered "Yes" but Aidan said, "A boy AND a girl?" and I said, "No... if it is not a girl and it is a boy, that is good too, right?" and he just stared at me for a few seconds and said, "A boy AND a girl?" LOL Oh, and then when we got to lunch, he told my mom, "Mommy is PREG-A-NANT!" and she said, "Wow! What does that mean?" and he said, "It means she is having a baby girl!" hehehe... not that I feel any pressure or anything hahaha...

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