Friday, November 23, 2007

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

A few weeks ago, we were watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving video and Chicken-hair asked if we could bring some toast, popcorn, jelly beans, and pretzel sticks to Thanksgiving dinner this year because that is what Charlie Brown, Snoopy, and Woodstock prepared and served to their friends. I thought it was cute so we did it. I knew the kids would put some of those items on their plates and I planned to do the same. I toasted and buttered a big stack of toast, just like Snoopy does. Chicken-hair was thrilled. Everyone took a little of something at least, but Chicken-hair made his plate to look exactly like the plates in the cartoon. This is what he had for Thanksgiving dinner... Gregory took a picture of it...

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Doctor visit today

I met my new OB today and I LOVE HER! I am so relieved. Everyone in the office is great. The doctor seems so cool and down to earth. She even gave me a quick peek with the u/s. She is completely OK with a VBAC which is my main concern, of course. I have had a c-section and 2 VBACs and I never want another c-section if I can help it.

I got to hear the heartbeat which was 171. She changed my due date by 2 days, based on my period and my last u/s. So I am at June 11 now which is fine with me. I couldn't see his legs in the u/s and when I told Gama that, he said, "But you don't got no legs, Lt. Dan" LOL We are big Forrest Gump fans. Anyway, here is my latest picture of Mater aka Lt. Dan:

Monday, November 12, 2007

Chicken-hair funnies

Just now:

(calling to me, from the bathroom)
Wow! Do you see all that water that came out of my weenie?? Come over here!

A few months ago:

(talking to Gama, from the tub)
Wow, Daddy! My weenie got so big! Look! You should take a picture of it!


(to me, while we were getting ready to go to a birthday party)
Chicken-hair: I really love you.

me: I love you too, Sweetie!

Chicken-hair: And I really love Junior, and Daddy, and Kidney Boy.

me: and we all love you!

Chicken-hair: (folds hands in prayer) -- Dear God, thank you for my family -- (and then to me) but we don't have to go to Church today, right?

me: Yes, it is Sunday. Of course we are going to Church. We'll go later after the party.

Chicken-hair: (hands unfolded, arms starting to flail, feet stomping) BUT I DON'T WANT TO GO TO CHURCH! I HATE GOING TO CHURCH!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

u/s pics

First pic is from the u/s on Nov. 1 and the second one is from Nov. 9:

RE: Ultrasound on Nov. 9

I had my other u/s this morning. My dates all match up now and everything looks good. The u/s tech said I am 9 weeks today which is what I was figuring, based on my ovulation date and the due date I got of June 13. The u/s machine was saying June 12 and my doctor is still saying June 15 is fine but that would make me not even 9 weeks yet so I am just considering my due date as June 13 since every online predictor has given me that back based on when I ovulated.

I am so relieved now that I saw how much he has grown in a week. I got to see his little heartbeat and his arms, legs, and head wiggling around. The u/s tech's notes even said, "very active fetus." LOL =)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

RE: ultrasound on Nov. 1

This is copied from the email I sent out about my ultrasound on Nov. 1.

Things are OK =) She is having me come back in a week for a better one, with the u/s tech. My dates look off by a few days but that makes sense because she is going by my LMP and I ovulate late. Also, she likes one good scan somewhere between 8-10 weeks and I am not even 8 yet. I should be 7 weeks 6 days today and the machine put me at 7 weeks 4 days. That isn't really much of a difference. She said the baby looks like the right size for when I ovulated and the heartbeat is there. I was so nervous because she wants me to come back in a week but she kept assuring me that nothing is wrong and I can go ahead and tell the kids and everything.

We told them when we picked them up from school. They are so excited and both wanting a girl LOL I showed Junior the u/s pic and he said, "You're pregnant? Really? I hope it is a girl because I would like to have a baby sister." I asked Chicken-hair if he understood what we were saying and what the picture was. He said it was a baby. I asked him where it is and he said, "Is it in your tummy?" and when I said yes, he said "And it is a girl! Let's name her Sarah!" He has an imaginary sister Sarah.

So I said, "But if it is a boy, that is good too, right?" Junior just answered "Yes" but Aidan said, "A boy AND a girl?" and I said, "No... if it is not a girl and it is a boy, that is good too, right?" and he just stared at me for a few seconds and said, "A boy AND a girl?" LOL Oh, and then when we got to lunch, he told my mom, "Mommy is PREG-A-NANT!" and she said, "Wow! What does that mean?" and he said, "It means she is having a baby girl!" hehehe... not that I feel any pressure or anything hahaha...