Sunday, November 11, 2007

RE: Ultrasound on Nov. 9

I had my other u/s this morning. My dates all match up now and everything looks good. The u/s tech said I am 9 weeks today which is what I was figuring, based on my ovulation date and the due date I got of June 13. The u/s machine was saying June 12 and my doctor is still saying June 15 is fine but that would make me not even 9 weeks yet so I am just considering my due date as June 13 since every online predictor has given me that back based on when I ovulated.

I am so relieved now that I saw how much he has grown in a week. I got to see his little heartbeat and his arms, legs, and head wiggling around. The u/s tech's notes even said, "very active fetus." LOL =)

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