Monday, March 31, 2008

Gama's new wetsuit.

I wanted to see Gama try it on but when we got to the place to pick it up, Leo was asleep so I sat in the car with the kids while Gama went in. So at night when we got home, Gama brought it upstairs. I was sitting at the computer, checking my email. He put it on the bed and started to unzip the outer piece. Suddenly I said, "Oh crap, did you remember to throw the baby's shirt in with that laundry that you just started?" Kidney Boy had spilled icee down his shirt and I soaked it and put it in a plastic bag until we got home. Gama had forgotten to add it and the wash was already started so he ran downstairs to get it out of the car and throw it in.

I knew I only had like 3-4 minutes. But I knew it would be hilarious. So I pulled off my PJ shirt and separated the pieces of the wetsuit. The first part you put on is one piece that basically covers you like a tank top and pants. You undo one shoulder and then pull the whole thing on. After that is on, the other piece is like a big tuxedo coat that has one leg you have to step into because it goes down to your knees. The other leg you pull together and that is where the zipper is. I knew there was no way in hell I was getting it zipped up over my pregnant stomach -- I was shocked I got into the other part so successfully.

I heard the garage door slam shut and I ran into the bathroom. Gama got to the top of the stairs and didn't see his wetsuit on the bed and started laughing before he even got into the room. And there I was... in the bathroom, 7 months pregnant and wearing his wetsuit. We were both laughing so hard... I was crying. I just couldn't stop laughing. I couldn't believe I actually did it. I felt like a penguin. The suit was so thick and I was so stuck into it, I was waddling hahaha... I should have taken a picture. It would make a good myspace default. It would certainly keep guys from sending me friend requests ROFL

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