Saturday, February 23, 2008

Snow Day

We took the kids to the mountains today, to play in the snow. We stopped at McDonald's for lunch just before getting to the mountains. The kids were maybe as excited to eat there as they were to be heading to the snow! I saw a lady with 6 girls at her table, the oldest was probably 11 and the youngest maybe 9 months. I wanted to ask her if they were all hers but felt shy. I noticed her checking us out a little and I think she wanted to ask us if we were having another boy but she looked a little shy too. When we made eye contact, we both looked away LOL But later, Gama asked me my opinion on a boy name, I can't remember which, and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed her head pop up.

Anyway, we got to the snow and Gama first took Junior and Chicken-hair to do some sledding while I popped Finding Nemo into the DVD player for Kidney Boy. I had no plans to even walk in the snow. Two years ago, while pregnant with Kidney Boy, I tried at least playing around a little in the snow and I slipped and fell and scared the crap out of myself so I wasn't about to go through that again.

After about 90 minutes, I yelled to Gama to come get Kidney Boy. Chicken-hair was ready to rest anyway so we traded little ones and they played for about 20 minutes. At that point, Junior started having a fit about something and Gama was just exhausted. They all came back to the car, Kidney Boy crying for more sledding. I felt so bad. He loved it and unfortunately didn't get much time doing it. Next time, we'll make sure to let him join in a little earlier. I just didn't want Gama to have his hands too full when I couldn't even hang out in the snow to help him.

I logged so many hours in the front seat of the van today, I don't even want to sit in this computer chair LOL

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