Monday, August 25, 2008

Thrush update

OK so the ped. found a little of the thrush in his mouth so we are sure that is what it is. Well I was sure yesterday but obviously his doctor wasn't sure until he saw it today LOL

Good news: As long as we catch it fast, we are able to get rid of it fast. He went from 4 big patches last night to one small spot today.

He said to keep doing what we are doing with the Nystatin and if for some reason it doesn't go away completely, he will put him on the Diflucan again. He also said to try and get rid of the pacifiers because then there will be nothing to give it to him again. Using a mini makes him produce more saliva, making his mouth more wet and more able to grow yeast. I had read that already. We thought we could get rid of them today because Gama was pretty sure he could get him to sleep without it. But we weren't able to when we came home and tried to get him to nap. So we have decided for now to at least take it out of his mouth after he falls asleep. I will have to make sure to boil them everyday and give him brand new ones once the thrush is gone this time. Hopefully he won't get it again!

More good news: He is otherwise healthy and very happy. The thrush can't be bothering him too much. And he was 12 lb. 3 oz. which means he gained a pound and a half this month! =)

Here is a pic of him from this weekend:

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