Friday, October 10, 2008

More thrush stuff

Dr. V said NO MORE MINIS for Bucket. He said that is what is making him get thrush over and over. I asked why now after 6 weeks of nothing -- he has had his mini all along. He said that it builds up from very little until it gets to the point that we can see it. I went home and decided to go for it -- no minis. Naptime was a challenge but we did it. That is pretty much the only time I ever give him a mini during the day anyway.

Night came and we got ready for our "first bedtime" which is about an hour before his last feeding of the day. He gets all wrapped up and we put him between us on the bed. We watch TV and he dozes off or just looks at us. Sometimes he wants to be unwrapped. Anyway, we got him all ready and he was looking all over for that mini. It was making me so sad. He wanted it so much and couldn't figure out why he wasn't getting it. I told Gama that I think part of the problem is that Gama had gotten way too easy with the mini. He was giving it to him all day long. Any time Gama is home, if he has the baby, he gives him his mini, whether he is going down for a nap or sitting in his swing or we are getting in the car. Gama agreed. So I asked him what he thought about letting him have his mini for 5 minutes to fall asleep and then pulling it out of his mouth and that is the only time he gets it. If he wakes up when it isn't feeding time, we can try it again at that time too but always taking it out once he is asleep. That is what we had planned on doing after the last case of thrush but it just never quite stuck. Gama thought it sounded like a good idea too.

I felt bad for caving so quickly and going against what Dr. V said. We like him so much and really trust his advice. But I think sometimes you have to trust your own instincts more. I didn't even care about losing sleep. I would stay up all night if I had to. But I just felt so bad taking it away cold-turkey like that. Dr. V said it is a habit like any other and he'll get used to it. I think that is true but he isn't old enough to understand that he has to give up this habit. Maybe we will be able to get rid of it altogether, doing this. Already he has taken a few naps where he went to sleep without it. I just can't take the stress of wondering how much it is upsetting him to not have it at all.

As far as the thrush, his mouth is totally clear and was within 24 hours. I am a different story... unfortunately, my skin looked worse yesterday. I was really scared that it wasn't going to go away quickly for me this time. Today I am trying to think that it is looking better. I can't decide. My left side is not that bad at all. But my right hurts a lot. I *think* the last feeding on my right side was a little better but I don't know. I really don't. I latch him on and think, "Oh... it isn't as bad as the last time." but then by the middle of the feeding, I am thinking it is still just as sore. I went to church this morning -- it is Junior's church day and he told me he was going to try and get a turn at being altar server, which he did and I will post about that next -- but I just prayed so much for this thrush to pass again.

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