Friday, October 10, 2008

Bucket's 4 month check-up

I have fallen behind here. Bucket had his 4 month doctor check-up on Oct. 2. I am just going to copy and paste what I sent to my mommy email loop:

He is 13 lb. 15 oz. and 24.5 inches long. The doctor said he looks perfect and I can start solids if I want. I was surprised because I have always waited until after the 6 month visit. He usually says "keep on with the breastfeeding and we'll start solids next time" when I go at 4 months. I asked him about it and he said it is great to wait too. But I admitted to him that I was actually thinking of starting earlier this time. None of my other babies have seemed interested in food before 6 months. But Bucket keeps leaning towards my food and staring at it LOL I swear, he seems like he wants it! None of my boys have had any kind of tummy trouble so the doctor said when I feel right about it, go ahead and start with simple cereals and see how he does.

He got 4 shots plus the oral rotavirus. He didn't have any issues at all with his shots at his 2 month visit so I wasn't concerned with them this time -- same shots again. I have questioned my doctor about vaccines and trust his confidence in them. He is big on breastfeeding and always slow to medicate when the kids are sick. He doesn't strike me as one of those "just go by the book on everything" doctors so the fact that he trusts the vaccines makes me comfortable. And none of my kids have ever had problems with them. Chicken-hair would get a mild fever (like 99) after his shots when he was under a year but that was it. I always think a lot about the vaccines every time we go, because of talking about it here and in other mommy loops. But I always end up trusting my doctor and going ahead with it.

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