Monday, September 15, 2008


I am so stressed out today. Sometimes it just feels like there is way too much to keep up with.

It is going to take a miracle for Junior to get a B in Responsible Behavior this year. Instead of color changes, now in 4th grade, they have marks. It used to be not so terrible to get one color change a day even. But now, if he gets one mark for the whole week, he gets a B for the week. Two is a C, three is a D, and 4 is an F for the week and a detention. He got one mark last week but since it fell into three categories, he got a C for the week and she told him she was letting him off the hook because it should have been a D. A C or a D for the whole week because he got in trouble ONCE! God help us.

Now, instead of 4 costumes for Halloween, I have to get 6. Junior and Chicken-hair each need 2 costumes this year because their school has decided to make the change from Halloween costumes to "Saints or Biblical Characters" costumes for Oct. 31. Not only do I need 2 extra costumes, but I am probably going to have to make them because you can't exactly find saint costumes at Party City!

Sometimes I just feel like the school doesn't realize how hard it is for people who have 2-3-4 kids or more to keep up with all of the new rules, new ideas, new plans, etc.

I can't get on a diet again. I keep trying and failing. I fail everyday. At least I started walking. I walked on Friday and again this morning, around the park across the street from the school. I can't do it tomorrow though, because I have to bring the babies to drop off Junior and Chicken-hair. =(

Tomorrow is going to be crazy. Not only will I have Bucket crying in the car all the way to and from school, but Junior's first choir practice is tomorrow afternoon. I am going to have to go to school at 2:30 to pick them up and then bring them to my mom's or something so that I can go back at 3:30 to bring Junior to choir practice, upstairs... this means I have to bring all 4 kids inside and can't bring the stroller. Then I have to go back at 4:45 to pick him up. And then tomorrow night is a Parent Meeting at the school at 7pm... I am soooooooooooo dreading tomorrow!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fun with Junior and Chicken-hair

An email I sent last night:

OK now I have to share... this is Junior's homework though. He is in 4th grade. For his spelling homework tonight, he had to write sentences with his spelling words. Tonight, he tried extra hard to be creative. I have been talking to him a lot about trying harder to do "A work" etc. Two of the sentences just need to be shared... I love it LOL

1. My dad is happy with his beautiful and talented wife.

10. Everyday, my mom weighs her weight (which doesn't weigh that much) on a scale.

hehehe how cute is that? I know the wording is all clumsy in that last one but it was too cute so I am not going to have him fix it. I probably should... but it is just too sweet!

OK... I was just about to hit send but I had to add this tidbit. As I am typing this, Chicken-hair is lying on the floor in my room, watching Gama working on the new tile he is laying in our bathroom. He just said, "When I am a man, I am going to buy a saw!"

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Movies I have recorded on my DVR that I keep watching over and over again (in 15-20 minute segments while I nurse Bucket usually) since Bucket has been born:

Best in Show
Blades of Glory
Breakfast Club
Dirty Dancing
Fried Green Tomatoes
Knocked Up
Nacho Libre
Pride and Prejudice
Waiting for Guffman

The two I have watched most are definitely Dirty Dancing and Fried Green Tomatoes.

When Kidney Boy was born, I kept watching Titanic over and over again. Every time I think of this movie, I think of his newborn time. I know it will be like that for Bucket's newborn time and Dirty Dancing and Fried Green Tomatoes.

With Chicken-hair, it was Sex & the City. People kept asking me if I named him after a character on the show and I had never seen the show. But that piqued my curiousity so I started watching the reruns on cable and got hooked. I lost interest though by the time the last season started and only watched it because I had seen everything else and really wanted to see what happened LOL

With Junior, it was the spanish video cable channel 39 in NY! I had that on almost all day long! We didn't have movie channels. We weren't even paying for cable. But I guess the cable company had left a few channels on from the last tenants. We had the spanish video channel, TBS, and the Indian singing channel. There was a lady who sang often on that channel who looked EXACTLY like Tony Danza from his Who's the Boss days LOL We referred to her as "The Tony Danza Woman."