Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Movies I have recorded on my DVR that I keep watching over and over again (in 15-20 minute segments while I nurse Bucket usually) since Bucket has been born:

Best in Show
Blades of Glory
Breakfast Club
Dirty Dancing
Fried Green Tomatoes
Knocked Up
Nacho Libre
Pride and Prejudice
Waiting for Guffman

The two I have watched most are definitely Dirty Dancing and Fried Green Tomatoes.

When Kidney Boy was born, I kept watching Titanic over and over again. Every time I think of this movie, I think of his newborn time. I know it will be like that for Bucket's newborn time and Dirty Dancing and Fried Green Tomatoes.

With Chicken-hair, it was Sex & the City. People kept asking me if I named him after a character on the show and I had never seen the show. But that piqued my curiousity so I started watching the reruns on cable and got hooked. I lost interest though by the time the last season started and only watched it because I had seen everything else and really wanted to see what happened LOL

With Junior, it was the spanish video cable channel 39 in NY! I had that on almost all day long! We didn't have movie channels. We weren't even paying for cable. But I guess the cable company had left a few channels on from the last tenants. We had the spanish video channel, TBS, and the Indian singing channel. There was a lady who sang often on that channel who looked EXACTLY like Tony Danza from his Who's the Boss days LOL We referred to her as "The Tony Danza Woman."

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