Tuesday, August 21, 2007

About Kidney Boy taking his first steps

Back from June 8...

Kidney Boy has a new nickname... Mr. Two-steps!

He did it!!! Last night, he finally took two steps on his own. He did it several times but won't take more than two. It is so funny. He stands there wobbling and then takes two very rigid steps and says "oooohhhhh" and carefully sits down LOL

I am sure he is far from walking around. Both Junior and Chicken-hair took more than 2 steps on their first day and they still took a couple of weeks to really walk. But it was just so exciting that he finally took his first steps. I was so afraid he'd do it at daycare and I'd miss it LOL I kept telling them not to let him walk. I would say, "If he looks like he is getting close, just go knock him over." hehehe...

Happy Birthday, Kidney Boy!
My baby is turning ONE 5/26!
Mommy to 3 beautiful boys

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