Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Random funny talk

I posted this on Aug. 5 but it is about stuff that has happened over the last year...

Junior is always using big words. Chicken-hair is not much of a talker. He doesn't talk unless he has to. But he has a funny habit of mixing up why and because. I think it is because in spanish, they are the same word and he is the one of the three that got the most spanish as a baby since our friend Angelica watched him.

~Chicken-hair! Did you just throw your ice cream away?
~Yeah... that's why I was finished.

~Chicken-hair! Did you take your shirt off?
~Yes -- that's why I spilled water on it!

He turns things around like this in other situations too sometimes. One morning, I was dropping him off at my mom's house and he had a bunch of stuff and he said, "Meemaw, will you hold my transformer?" and she said yes and took it and then he added "...and so is my cup" as he held it out to her LOL

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