Tuesday, August 21, 2007

About the OC Fair and Gregory and Kelly moving

We are taking the kids to the fair today. It is kids' day so Junior gets in free. Chicken-hair would be free anyway because 5 and under is free. I am excited. We skipped the fair last year because we had that horrible heat wave and Kidney Boy was a newborn.

Tonight, we have to go say goodbye to my brother Gregory and SIL Kelly. I have been dreading this! I know everything will be fine and there will be a lot of good parts about this move. It will be exciting to go visit them in Oregon. They won't be THAT far away and we will have plenty of communication between the phone and email. But tonight will be hard. We are such a tight group. Sunday we went to "Ourbucks" (the Starbucks we always go to) and hung out on the couches for our last time as a big group. It will be weird to go there without them all the time now. Lots of things will be really weird. And I had been thinking it would be 5 years but it turns out it will most likely be 7. WOW. Last weekend in church, Junior asked me how long they'd be gone and I told him 5 years and that he'd be 13, a teenager, when they come back. A few months ago, we told him that and he thought it was really cool that he'd be a teenager. But I guess it is becoming more real to him too because he didn't say anything for a minute and then he started blinking a lot and said, "But I don't want them to come back when I'm 13." I told him "I know" and he just lost it. I haven't told him that he'll actually be 15 before they come back. He doesn't need to know that now. As time passes, he'll get so used to them not living here. But Gregory has always been like a big brother to him. This is going to take a lot of getting used to, for Junior especially.

Anyway... enough whining. I'll be glad when the goodbyes are over and we can start planning our first trip to go see them!

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