Thursday, January 17, 2008

Definitely a BOY!!

I keep forgetting to enter this here. We went for the bit 18 week u/s on Jan. 8 and my doctor confirmed that this is definitely a little boy! It was so exciting to get the confirmation and to know for sure. We went out that afternoon and bought him a little outfit to celebrate =)

So now we are focusing on the boy names and the two frontrunners at this time are Henry and Fernando. Henry was one I suggested when I was pregnant with Kidney Boy but Gama wasn't crazy about it. Now he does like it. Chicken-hair loves it and just keeps asking us to name him Henry. Fernando is one that has been on our list since our pregnancy with Chicken-hair. Gama's great grandfather, his little abuelita's father was Fernando. Gama has nice memories of him. And I just happen to love that name. It is one of my favorite Mexican names. So we'll see =)

So now for the picture. It is hard to see but try to imagine the way you would lie on your back on your bed to watch TV, with your head propped up against the headboard. His head was in a funky position and she just couldn't get a good shot of it so you can't see his head well at all. But you can see his body, bottom, and legs which are crossed at the ankles.

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