Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Kidney Boy's asthma check-up

We took Kidney Boy in today for a follow-up visit. I told his doctor how we had to use the inhaler until like the 30th and then not again until the night of the 31st and only once that night and not again since. He listened to his lungs and checked his ears and was very happy with the way he looks and sounds. He said he thinks it is just a "tiny bit of asthma" which made me so happy. He said for now, let's keep up with the singulair once a day and see what happens the next time he catches a cold. He said if he doesn't wheeze, we know the singulair is doing the trick and that his current dose is fine. If he wheezes with his next cold, we have to try something new. He said he is almost sure he will only need meds during the cold months. I am glad our cold season is so short.

I loved hearing the words "tiny bit." I really feel like he is going to outgrow this. And as much as I hate having to give him a pill every night, it is such a relief to finally have him breathing normally and not wheezing and coughing and producing a ton of mucus. And the ears! I was so afraid he was going to need tubes. Now that he is not getting sick over and over again, his ears are staying clear.

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