Thursday, January 17, 2008

Kidney Boy is done nursing...

My Kidney Boy -- at least he gave me up gradually. He gave up his bedtime feeding 2-3 months ago. He just didn't want it anymore and started fighting and crying when I'd try to do it. He was down to morning and naptime. And then naptime became such a chore. It was hard if we were out and about because he was too distracted and didn't stay latched on. I realized he was getting bored with that one too so one day I was going to stop offering it at naptime. I forgot and tried to offer it and he wouldn't take it. Kelly was there and she joked and said, "Well HE remembered!" LOL So were down to morning. Last week, he stopped taking my left side. On leftie days, he just wouldn't do it. He'd latch on, break right off, poke me, and babble some complaint and struggle to get down. And then a couple of days ago, he wouldn't latch on my right either.

I am so broken-hearted! I will never look down at him nursing again. He'll never smack me in the boob while he nurses, or break off to tell me something and latch back on. That special time for us is in the past now. I got just what I wanted though. He nursed until he was ready to stop. He has no stress or sadness over it. And I know I will be just fine in a few days or so. And it is nice that they will belong to me again for a few months before the new little nursling comes along to claim them for himself!

1 comment:

Janette said...

I still remember my last nursing day- 20 years ago!
I am SO pleased that my dd nurses.