Friday, February 8, 2008

Chicken-hair, the faker!

Yesterday, Chicken-hair pretended he felt sick so that the school would call me to come get him!

It all started last week. Junior and Chicken-hair both got very sick. In fact, they gave it to me and to Gama as well. Gama got so sick, he ended up with an infection in his lungs. Anyway, Junior missed school Monday and Tuesday. He went back to school Wednesday but got sick again and they called me to come get him. While I was there, I picked Chicken-hair up early too and it turns out he was just starting to come down with what Junior had. They both stayed home Thursday and Junior went back Friday. Chicken-hair didn't go back until Monday.

So this week, he keeps saying he can't go to school. He just wants to stay with me. He is perfectly healthy. Well yesterday, his teacher saw that his nose was running constantly and his eye was watering. These are just the leftover symptoms from being sick last week. He had clogged tear ducts as a baby and to this day, his eyes water when he gets a cold.

She didn't know that and wanted to be sure he was OK so she asked him if he felt sick. Seeing his opportunity, he said he was. She asked him what hurt and he said his arms. LOL He came up with that one because he has some dry skin on his arms that I have been putting thick lotion on. The school calls me. I show up and find him on the floor, playing blocks with his friends, swinging them around like crazy. I told him, "Chicken-hair, your arms look fine. Do they really hurt?" At this point, Mrs. S starts telling me about his issues, nose, eyes, etc. The whole time she is telling me, he has a little smirk like he is trying not to laugh. I said, "Look at him!" LOL

She told him she wasn't happy that he told her a fib and that she didn't want him to laugh about it because it isn't funny. He has to be honest with her and not say he is sick unless he is. So he felt bad and told her OK and he and I had a little talk about it later too. He said, "But I just wanted to be with you!" How can you yell at a kid for that? hehehe...

Today, he promised to tell the truth all day and to be a good boy at school. So far it is lunchtime and they haven't called me yet!

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