Saturday, February 23, 2008

Junior's blinking

We took Junior to the doctor yesterday. For the last few years, he has had this little nervous habit of scrunching up his face and blinking hard. He does it when he is on stage at school concerts or when he is reading something to a group. He will blink hard and scrunch his nose and wipe his face, those sorts of things. Gama does stuff like that sometimes (like when he made a video and was speaking right into the camera) so we didn't worry too much about it. But just recently, the blinking has gotten more and more. It started to look more like his actual eyeballs were bothering him because sometimes he wouldn't scrunch his face, just blink normally but very often. And then last weekend, he started winking one eye on and off. He doesn't do it constantly but now that I think about it, it is usually while he is talking to us. I don't see him do it much when he is doing homework or something.

He just had his vision tested at school and while they haven't given me the results yet, he said he was able to easily read everything the woman told him to and that she said he did a perfect job. His vision doesn't seem to be affected which was a relief to me but I just wanted to make sure he was OK. I had tried giving him Visine drops and it is always a fight because he doesn't want to open his eyes for them.

So we went to the doctor and he looked at both of his eyes, including some little spots that I noticed last weekend in the white part of his left eye which happens to be the eye he is winking. He said the spots don't look like anything (Chicken-hair happens to have a little one in one of his eyes too and doesn't have any blinking issues) and that his eyes don't look dry or like he has allergies. He pointed out that they aren't bloodshot at all and that they look very healthy. He looked at them a lot with his light, bringing it back and forth in front of his eyes.

What he really thinks is going on, after examining his eyes and then watching him play around in the room with Chicken-hair and Kidney Boy, and seeing the blinking, is that it is just a nervous tick. He said they come and go and that he might have a new blinking tick in addition to the scrunching up his face one and that the winking might be even another one. He told me that the most important thing to do is to not call attention to it. He said if it gets excessive, to bring him back. I asked him what he meant by excessive and he said, "If the teacher mentions it to you" which his teachers never have. So we are keeping our eye on it for now, but that is it.

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